Florence Dacey

Florence Dacey
I have been publishing my poems for decades, beginning back in the '70s.
In addition to the collections you will find on my Books page, poems have appeared in many journals,
including "Nimrod, " "Mid-America Review, " "Oklahoma Review," " Albatross" and "Great River Review."
Poems have been part of many anthologies as well, such as We Say Our Struggle, Looking for Home,
As Far As I Can See, Midwestern Women Poets, Farming Words, County Lines, and To Sing Along the Way:
Minnesota Women Poets from Pre- Territorial Days to the Present.
In the 80s I began some collaborative work
about water with In the Heart of the Beast Puppet
and Mask Theater of Minneapolis.
I also helped write the libretto for the opera "Lightning," which was
performed by Heart of the Beast Theater at SouthernTheater in 1986.
In what felt like a culmination of my contributions to this inspiring
company's work, I wrote a series of poems that became part of their
Annual May Day Parade and Ceremony in 2009.
Ever since I published my first poetry chapbook in 1979
I have given readings of my work in settings as diverse as small town libraries, art galleries,
nursing homes and universities. Over the years I have been awarded several artist grants from the
regional Southwest Arts Council, funded in part by the McKnight Foundation, which provided time
and resources to arrange readings. Most of these have been in rural Minnesota or in the Twin Cities,
but I have also read in NYC, Illinois, Oklahoma, and Washington State.
Along the journey as a writer, I have garnered some awards that have meant
a great deal to my career and creative life: Seven Career Artist Grants from the
Southwest Arts Council, Residencies at Norcroft and the New York Mills Writing Retreats ( where
I wrote many of the poems in Rock Worn by Water), a Nimrod-Hardman Poetry Prize
and a Loft-McKnight Poetry Award.